Wellness of Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is thought to affect 1 in 3 middle aged Indian. It occurs when your blood begins pumping at a higher than normal pressure. Left untreated, high blood pressure can contribute to a number of diseases and chronic conditions including kidney failure, stroke and heart attack. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for High blood pressure: Acupressure, Shirodhara, Abhyangam, SSPS.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1299/-
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Wellness of Arthritis

Joint issues, including arthritis, back pain, spondylitis and gout affect a large percentage of Australians, particularly those over the age of 50. Obesity, overexertion, stress, diet and poor lifestyle choices are all thought to contribute to the rising number of sufferers. We recommend for Arthritis Kizhi, PPS, Abhyangam, Vasti.

Treatment Time : 60 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1299/-
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Wellness of Bronchitis, Sinus, Breathing Problem

Sinusitis is an uncomfortable condition that affects the para-nasal sinuses causing infection or inflammation. This is usually due to a build up of mucus or swelling of the lining of the sinuses and nose. Sinusitis is mainly a disease of ear, nose and throat. A llergies, the common cold and environmental irritants can all lead to the occurrence of sinusitis. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for sinusitis: Abhyangam, Udvartana, Dhumabati, Nasyam,

Treatment Time : 60 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1299/-
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Wellness of Skin Diseases

Skin problems, including atopic dermatitis (eczema) and Urticaria (hives) are generally considered to be treatable inflammatory conditions. Eczema is often inherited and requires long-term management while Urticaria is generally short lived and caused by a release of histamine into the skin. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for skin condition: Abhyanga, Udvartana, Shirodhara, Takra Dhara, Ayurvedic Detoxification, Kasyadhara, Tarpanam, Sthanika.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1399/-
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Wellness of Gastric

Gastritis refers to inflammation of the stomach lining and can occur as both an acute, short-term or chronic, longer-term condition. Modern lifestyle factors including alcohol and anti-inflammatory medication along with some allergic conditions and infection are usually to blame for the condition. Research has found that some forms of chronic atrophic gastritis can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer, making effective treatment even more important. Even when non-cancer forming, gastritis needs to be managed to ensure optimum health and well-being. Vaman, Virechan, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Abhyangam.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1549/-
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Wellness of Diabetic Neuropathy

It’s estimated that approximately 30% people suffer from either, making it the fastest growing chronic condition in the country. This is attributed to the obesity epidemic currently sweeping the western world alongside the increasingly sedentary/high stress lifestyle led by many adults. Diabetes is a serious and widespread condition. Ayurveda can help with the management of this illness. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for diabetes: Udvartana, Detoxification, Ubtan, Shirodhara, Abhyangam, SSPS.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1499/-
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Wellness of Constipation

Constipation may not be considered a ‘chronic’ condition, but for those who have experienced it or suffer regularly, the discomfort and interference it causes can be almost as frustrating. Our modern diet, reliance on processed and/or inflammatory foods, stress levels and lack of gentle movement can all contribute to sluggish bowel movements. While constipation is often treated by an over the counter laxative or stool softener, Ayurveda takes a closer look at the condition to identify the root cause and promote real, long term relief and healing. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for constipation, click here: Abhyanga, Shirodhara

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1599/-
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Foot Reflexology

Plantar fasciitis and Calcaneal Spur? are just two foot problems that are painful, inflammatory conditions of the foot that can make walking, exercise and at times, everyday life, difficult and unpleasant.

Treatment Time : 35 Minutes
Price : Rs. 949/-
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