Ayurveda Treatments in Kolkata is an Ayurvedic practitioner will create a treatment plan specifically designed for you. They’ll take into account your unique physical and emotional makeup, your

Wellness of Gastric

Gastritis refers to inflammation of the stomach lining and can occur as both an acute, short-term or chronic, longer-term condition. Modern lifestyle factors including alcohol and anti-inflammatory medication along with some allergic conditions and infection are usually to blame for the condition. Research has found that some forms of chronic atrophic gastritis can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer, making effective treatment even more important. Even when non-cancer forming, gastritis needs to be managed to ensure optimum health and well-being. Vaman, Virechan, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Abhyangam.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1549/-
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Wellness of Diabetic Neuropathy

It’s estimated that approximately 30% people suffer from either, making it the fastest growing chronic condition in the country. This is attributed to the obesity epidemic currently sweeping the western world alongside the increasingly sedentary/high stress lifestyle led by many adults. Diabetes is a serious and widespread condition. Ayurveda can help with the management of this illness. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for diabetes: Udvartana, Detoxification, Ubtan, Shirodhara, Abhyangam, SSPS.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1499/-
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Wellness of Constipation

Constipation may not be considered a ‘chronic’ condition, but for those who have experienced it or suffer regularly, the discomfort and interference it causes can be almost as frustrating. Our modern diet, reliance on processed and/or inflammatory foods, stress levels and lack of gentle movement can all contribute to sluggish bowel movements. While constipation is often treated by an over the counter laxative or stool softener, Ayurveda takes a closer look at the condition to identify the root cause and promote real, long term relief and healing. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for constipation, click here: Abhyanga, Shirodhara

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1599/-
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Wellness of Infertility

In India, it is estimated that approximately 20% of couples experience difficulty in conceiving. This can be a distressing and frustrating process that often impacts negatively upon an individual or couples mental and physical health. It is important to remember that infertility can be attributed to both males and females. With this in mind, ensuring the optimum health of both partners when treating and/or managing infertility is paramount. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for infertility: Shirodhara, Pinda Sweda, Ayurvedic Detoxification.

Treatment Time : 90 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1650/-
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Wellness of Hair Fall, Heir Care

A number of different oils and herbal extracts, including Bhringraj, Brahmi taila strengthen the hair roots, and the massage improves blood circulation which intends hair growth. A Panchakarma treatment called Nasya is also very effective in treating hair fall.

Treatment Time : 60 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1249/-
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Wellness of Eye Vision Strain

Netra Tarpana, Seka, Pinda, Lepa, Bandana

Treatment Time : 75 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1550/-
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Wellness of Anxiety - Stress, Migraines, Headaches, Hypertension, Depression & Heaviness

Ayurvedic treatment for depression and/or anxiety seeks to re-balance your biochemistry through the removal of toxins and restoration of healthy physiological functioning. A variety of tools is utilised to form a thorough diagnosis, which then informs treatment. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for depression or anxiety, : Deep Relaxation Package, Ayurvedic Detox, Pinda Sweda, Nasya, Udvartana. 3 Days Rs. 3,600/- 7 Days Rs. 7,500/-

Treatment Time : 60 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1249/-
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