Ayurveda Treatments in Kolkata is an Ayurvedic practitioner will create a treatment plan specifically designed for you. They’ll take into account your unique physical and emotional makeup, your

Wellness of Weight Loss

Fatty liver disease is a chronic condition caused by accumulation of fat in the cells of the liver. This accumulation can be due to a number of factors, primarily alcohol (as in the case of alcohol-induced fatty liver) and poor lifestyle choices and/or undiagnosed medical conditions (as in the case of non-alcoholic fatty liver). We recommend for fatty liver or Weight loss click here: Udvartana, Ditoxification and SSPS.

Treatment Time : 85 Minutes + 20 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1699/-
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Wellness of Sexual Disorder

Sexual intimacy is one of the important parts of the relationship between a man and a woman. Healthy sexual life is one of the secrets for a happily married life. Nowadays, due to various reasons a lot of men experience many sexual problems such as Low Libido, Weak Sexual Performance which does not satisfy the partner, Low Sex Drives, Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction etc. We recommend for Sexual Disorder: Uttar Basti, Vrushyabasti, SSPS, Shirodhara, Takdadhara.

Treatment Time : 80 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1499/-
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Wellness of Spondylosis

A combination of traditional ayurvedic panchakarma treatments with Kerala special treatments like Kizhi, Uzhichil, Pizhichil, Basti, Dhanymladhara, PPS, Shirodhara offers a multidimensional benefit to patients suffering from spondylosis.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1199/-
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Wellness of Paralysis / Nervous System

Our excellent ayurvedic treatment slowly and steadily shows results and cures Paralysis completely. We recommend for Paralysis: SSPS, Shirodhara, Pizhichil, Vamana, Virechana, Vasti & Shirovirechan /nasya.

Treatment Time : 80 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1499/-
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Wellness of Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is thought to affect 1 in 3 middle aged Indian. It occurs when your blood begins pumping at a higher than normal pressure. Left untreated, high blood pressure can contribute to a number of diseases and chronic conditions including kidney failure, stroke and heart attack. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for High blood pressure: Acupressure, Shirodhara, Abhyangam, SSPS.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1299/-
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Wellness of Arthritis

Joint issues, including arthritis, back pain, spondylitis and gout affect a large percentage of Australians, particularly those over the age of 50. Obesity, overexertion, stress, diet and poor lifestyle choices are all thought to contribute to the rising number of sufferers. We recommend for Arthritis Kizhi, PPS, Abhyangam, Vasti.

Treatment Time : 60 Minutes "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1299/-
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Wellness of Bronchitis, Sinus, Breathing Problem

Sinusitis is an uncomfortable condition that affects the para-nasal sinuses causing infection or inflammation. This is usually due to a build up of mucus or swelling of the lining of the sinuses and nose. Sinusitis is mainly a disease of ear, nose and throat. A llergies, the common cold and environmental irritants can all lead to the occurrence of sinusitis. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for sinusitis: Abhyangam, Udvartana, Dhumabati, Nasyam,

Treatment Time : 60 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1299/-
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Wellness of Skin Diseases

Skin problems, including atopic dermatitis (eczema) and Urticaria (hives) are generally considered to be treatable inflammatory conditions. Eczema is often inherited and requires long-term management while Urticaria is generally short lived and caused by a release of histamine into the skin. To find out more about which treatments we recommend for skin condition: Abhyanga, Udvartana, Shirodhara, Takra Dhara, Ayurvedic Detoxification, Kasyadhara, Tarpanam, Sthanika.

Treatment Time : 70 Minutes + 15 Minutes Steam "Consultation Required"
Price : Rs. 1399/-
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