
Slows down the ageing process, Enhances the immune system of the individual, Increases sexual power, Calms the mind and relaxes the body Improves digestion, metabolic power and cleans the gastrointestinal tract entirely, Increase blood flow in every cell of the body and enhances the beauty of the individual A completely safe procedure for the removal of excess doshas from the body without any complications or side effects.


alarm_on90 Minutes

What is Virechana Treatment?

Virechana stands out as a prominent approach in Ayurveda’s panchakarma treatments. It specifically targets pitta-dominant imbalances, addressing concerns such as skin issues and blood impurities.

This purification process involves the use of laxative medicines to cleanse the pitta-influenced intestines. It aims to eliminate toxic waste from vital organs like the liver, gallbladder, and intestines while removing excess bile toxins from the body’s midsection. Well-applied Virechana can counter ulcers, gastritis, IBS, jaundice, kidney problems, intestinal colic, and asthma. Furthermore, it proves beneficial in alleviating or resolving fever, skin ailments, bleeding disorders, nosebleeds, spleen irregularities, worm infestations, anemia, headaches, burning eyes, chronic cough, rhinitis, gout, gynecological issues, rheumatic conditions, and loss of appetite.

During the Virechana procedure, the vitiated doshas are expelled through the rectum. The treatment encompasses Oleation (ingesting medicated ghee), Fomentation (induced sweating therapy), Emesis (induced vomiting), and Samsarjana Karma (post-operative diet control). Internal Oleation is implemented for three to seven days, followed by a three-day medicated steam bath. A light and warm diet is advised for the patient a day before initiating Virechana in Ayurveda panchakarma treatment.

Deciding on Virechana should take into account individual factors like body and mind constitution, age, and mental condition to ensure a tailored and effective approach.

Benefits of Virechana Treatment

Virechana therapy does wonders for both the body and mind. It’s like a saviour for:

  1. Tummy Troubles: If you’ve got issues with your stomach, like constipation or annoying indigestion, Virechana steps in to save the day.
  2. Skin Drama: Ever had those irritating skin problems? Virechana kicks out toxins and helps you battle stuff like psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.
  3. Mind Relaxation: Feeling stressed or anxious? Virechana acts like a chill pill for your mind, giving you a break from all those worries.
  4. Breathing Problems: Got respiratory problems making you huff and puff? Virechana comes in to help manage stuff like asthma and annoying coughs.

The Process of Virechana Treatment

Virechana involves three important steps: Preparing (Purva Karma), the main process (Pradhana Karma), and post-treatment care (Paschat Karma).

  1. Preparing (Purva Karma):First, there’s a phase where you do internal and external treatments. You might eat special ghee or oil to help move toxins in your body. Also, you apply medicated oil on your body. Sweating therapy is done to open up your body’s channels and help toxins move to your digestive system.
  2. Main Procedure (Pradhana Karma):On a specific day, the patient takes herbal medicine to make them have bowel movements. This continues until all the toxins leave the body through the rectum.
  3. Post-Treatment Care (Paschat Karma):After the bowel movements, the patient follows a specific diet and lifestyle to boost their digestion. This time also includes therapies to make the person healthier and more vital.

Who Can Take Virechana Treatment?

After learning about Virechana Treatment, it’s good to know who can benefit from it. This treatment is helpful for people dealing with:

  • Being overweight
  • Digestive issues like acidity, bloating, and slow digestion
  • Wounds that won’t heal and ulcers
  • Liver and spleen problems
  • PCOS and fertility issues
  • Skin conditions like Psoriasis, Urticaria, and Acne
  • Metabolic diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, and High Cholesterol.