Wellness of Sexual Disorder

Sexual intimacy is one of the important parts of the relationship between a man and a woman. Healthy sexual life is one of the secrets for a happily married life. Nowadays, due to various reasons a lot of men experience many sexual problems such as Low Libido, Weak Sexual Performance which does not satisfy the partner, Low Sex Drives, Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction etc. We recommend for Sexual Disorder: Uttar Basti, Vrushyabasti, SSPS, Shirodhara, Takdadhara.

Wellness of Sexual Disorder

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Sexual intimacy is one of the important parts of the relationship between a man and a woman. Healthy sexual life is one of the secrets for a happily married life. Nowadays, due to various reasons a lot of men experience many sexual problems such as Low Libido, Weak Sexual Performance which does not satisfy the partner, Low Sex Drives, Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction etc.

Sex and Ayurveda

Being a controversial area, not much has been talked about the phenomenal contributions of Ayurveda in the fields of sex and intimacy. According to Ayurveda, sex is not restricted to reproduction but is also a route to nourishment.  If a satisfying union of two bodies is developed, it offers good health and vitality to both the partners. Ayurveda describes sexual problems and disabilities as a result of faulty Vata and has effective remedies for it. A lot of modern day medicines used for altering or maintaining the health of sex organs are Ayurvedic in origin.

There are various causes which lead to sexual problems such as

  • Excessive stress & tension
  • Malnourishment & body weakness
  • Obesity or Excessive Weight
  • Muscle weakness
  • Diseases like Diabetes or Hormonal Imbalance
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Depression or Guilt feelings
  • Relationship or marital issues
  • Addiction like Tobacco or excessive alcohol


  • We at Panchakarma Ayurveda have expertise towards treating sex related issues with our perfect diagnosis and extensive & authentic Ayurvedic treatment.
  • Our detailed diagnosis will identify the root cause of your sexual problem. Our time tested authentic Ayurvedic treatment will help eradicating the root cause behind onset of such diseases and improve your overall sexual performance & pleasure with no side effects.

Sexual intimacy is one of the important parts of the relationship between a man and a woman. Healthy sexual life is one of the secrets for a happily married life. Nowadays, due to various reasons a lot of men experience many sexual problems such as Low Libido, Weak Sexual Performance which does not satisfy the partner, Low Sex Drives, Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction etc. We recommend for Sexual Disorder: Uttar Basti, Vrushyabasti, SSPS, Shirodhara, Takdadhara.